Sunday, March 8, 2009

Providence Wintertime Farmers' Market

Here in RI, the Farmers' Market moves inside for the winter. The winter location is about two minutes from our house, but until this weekend, I'd never been there. I meant to go, I wanted to go, I intended to go, but it never happened. Yesterday was finally the day. Of course there wasn't much produce in March, but there sure were lots of other cool things.

I picked up some of the best feta cheese on earth from:

The mozzarella and ricotta I got from them was awesome too.

Then there was the bread from:

Oh man! We got sourdough raisin and walnut and Italian bread. Yum!

There was even some yarn there, although I was a good girl and didn't buy any. Now if it had been alpaca, I might not have resisted. Thankfully, the alpaca people weren't there. I guess that's a good reason to go back! Or maybe it's a good reason not to go back. Gotta think about that!


  1. I love the farmer's market! Have fun! :)


  2. Mary... I just found your blog after seeing you and your cats on Animal Planet... My cats which happen to be Maine Coons made some guest appearances in my classroom as well! I was so excited to see your piece... I think you need to blog about your eduCATion cats... I am now retired and a docent for our Buffalo ZOO so still teaching! Carm Cole...

    I'd love to share what I did with the cats...

    My blog is:

    Email is 8GR8CATS at or

    Hope to hear from you!


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